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Bookworm in the Lone Star State

Cooking by the Seat of My Pants is not just a state of mind; it's a wonderful, funny, free-range blog by Jerry, a professional web designer from Wichita Falls, Texas, who's this week's Bookworm in the Pantry. A 30-something father of six, married to an active-duty Air Force staff sergeant, Jerry loves to write, cook, and play the guitar. He learned to cook by reading The Joy of Cooking and Betty Crocker; then, he put down the books and began to wing it!

UPDATE. Jerry recommended:

  • American Diner Then and Now
  • Are You Really Going to Eat That?
  • The Day Everything Tasted Like Broccoli (Maximum Boy)
  • Food in History
  • Paula Deen: It Ain't All About the Cookin'

Browse through the eclectic library of previous Bookworm recommendations here.

*As almost every Bookworm has had a hard time limiting the list to five books, I invite any past Bookworm to share another reading list of five books. Please send your list to lydia AT ninecooks DOT com.

Want to be a Bookworm in the Pantry? Start here.

Disclosure: The Perfect Pantry earns a few pennies on purchases made through the Amazon.com links in this post. Thank you for supporting this site when you start your shopping here.


I checked your blog and found it to be a delight. The only book I've read in your list was Paula Deen's. However, "Are You Realy Going to Eat That" and the "Day Everything Tasted Like Broccoli" have found a place on my "to read" list.

Lydia, chicken breasts can be tricky in my opinion - depending on how they're made, they get too pale and no one gets interested in eating them. But the right way they can become a delicious meal, especially for those out of time week dinners.

Patricia, I agree -- tricky, but worth the extra effort to get them right. I absolutely love chicken breasts any which way -- grilled, steamed, stir fried or roasted.

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