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Bookworms for children

Jeanne writes Mommy Cooks, a smart and cheery blog about cooking with, for, and sometimes in spite of kids. She's the first Bookworm to give us recommendations for children's books . PS: The recipes on Jeanne's blog are fun for those of us without small children at home, too!

UPDATE. Jeanne recommended:

  • Green Eggs and Ham
  • How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World
  • Thunder Cake
  • I Will Never Not Ever Eat a Tomato
  • The Seven Silly Eaters

Browse through the eclectic library of previous Bookworm recommendations here.

We'll have a new Bookworm every Saturday, at least through early June.

Want to be a Bookworm in the Pantry? Start here.

Disclosure: The Perfect Pantry earns a few pennies on purchases made through the Amazon.com links in this post. Thank you for supporting this site when you start your shopping here.


I love your idea for recommendations!

Hope you're feeling much better.

Paz (sending good thoughts for a speedy recovery)

Thanks, Paz! Love the new look of your blog -- so fresh and cheery for spring.

Awww I love this list! I don't have kids of my own but I do have a horde of nephews and nieces who I love to bits so this list comes in handy. Thank you, Jeanne! :)

Gosh I leave the blogosphere for a week and I come back to find one of my favorite foodies has endured surgery!! How are you feeling? I hope you have a quick recovery and am sending many warm thoughts your way. *hugs*

Christine, I love Jeanne's list, too. Most of these books are new to me, and I'm ordering them for our grandkids!

Ari, you cannot turn your back for a minute! I'm on the mend, and actually will be back with more pantry posts starting tomorrow. Thanks for your good wishes.

Hope you are feeling better cool kid!

Talk about perfect timing! A friend of mine just emailed me yesterday that the European Commission and Euro-toques International [the European Chefs' association] have just launched "EU Mini-chefs"--a website for children which aims to help fight childhood obesity by encouraging healthy eating and cooking. Here's the link: http://eu.mini-chefs.eu/

On a personal note, hope you're mending well.

Jeff, thank you -- notes like yours really cheer me up!

Terry, thanks so much for the info on the mini-chefs project. I hope all Pantry readers will take a look.

With poems like, "Count Dracula Doesn't Know He's Been Walking Around All Night with Spinach in His Teeth," ya gotta add this to the list:


Shawn, I'm ordering this book right away! What a hoot!

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