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La Bookworm in le pantry

Those of you who know Mimi from her elegant food blog, French Kitchen in America, will understand when I tell you that her list of favorite food-related non-cookbooks could not possibly be limited to five; her blog often delights readers with literary references, interviews with authors, and her obvious love of books. I've split the list in two parts, and will share the second half later this spring. A professional writer and the daughter of a chef, Mimi cooks and photographs in her Wisconsin kitchen.

UPDATE. Mimi recommended:

  • Chocolat
  • From Here You Can't See Paris: Seasons of a French Village and Its Restaurant
  • On Rue Tatin: Living and Cooking in a French Town
  • Poet of the Appetites: The Lives and Loves of MFK  Fisher
  • Vie De France: Sharing Food, Friendship, and a Kitchen in the Loire Valley

We'll have a new Bookworm every Saturday, for the next few months.

Want to be a Bookworm in the Pantry? Start here.

Disclosure: The Perfect Pantry earns a few pennies on purchases made through the Amazon.com links in this post. Thank you for supporting this site when you start your shopping here.


I can't even remember the last time I had a chance to sit for a few hours and read a book, but it was either in the summer or when I was on an airplane. Otherwise, I am overbook 24-7 in my life, so these lists are really making me sigh. (And long to be retired, which is close enough now that I can start to imagine it, but not close enough.)

Mimi has a beautiful site, love her writing.
Thanks so much for the bookworm Saturday! It's a niffty idea, the only problem is my wish list is now huge!

I'm sorry I could not limit my list, Lydia.

Books are starting to edge us out of our house. You have to circumvent heaps of them to get around. Really.

Kalyn, I love the thought of retirement if it means time to read!

Tanna, I agree -- Mimi's blog is one of my favorites, and yours is another.

Mimi, your book list makes me want to hop on a plane and fly to France. Readers, you'll have to wait until April for Mimi's list #2 -- every bit as mouthwatering as this week's list!

Thanks, I mean Merci!

What I meant above was that I am sorry you have to do this in two parts — LOL — I cannot live without reading, and I sometimes have several books going at once. If I had all the money I've spent on books in my lifetime I would be a wealthy woman.

Thank you so much, Lydia!

Mimi, if I had all the money I've spent on books in a lifetime, I could travel around the world, and even make a stop in France!

I love Mimi's list! We chose different MFK Fisher books for our bookworm suggestions, but the others are ones I haven't heard of. Thanks!

What a wonderful list! I am delighted that I haven't read some of them, for now treats are in store. Glad to see you included MFKFisher. I enjoy your elegant blog Mimi, as well as the comments you leave for Lydia.

Thank you so much for posting this. I could send more lists — LOL.

Thanks for your kind words, everyone.

I love MFK Fisher's "Two Towns in Provence," and I have also enjoyed "A Welcoming Life, the MFK Fisher Scrapbook."

Mary Frances was a fellow Michiganian, at least by birth.

Very good list, Mimi! Thanks for sharing it.

Link, you can put together a Bookworm list on anything food-related that's not a cookbook -- so some food gardening books would be great....I'm dropping a huge hint here!

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