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Cayenne pepper (Recipe: Ethiopian chicken in red pepper sauce)


This post has been updated with new photos of this gorgeous chicken dish, new links, and tweaks to the recipe. Please click through to Cayenne pepper (Recipe: doro wot, Ethiopian chicken in red pepper sauce) to read the updated post.

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I had a horse once that kept chewing on something he shouldn't so I was advised to try painting tabasco sauce on it to discourage that behavior. Turned out he liked it. I found him licking and licking where the sauce was. Think cayenne pepper would keep the deer around here from eating our shrubs?

Kate, that's a great idea -- I've used cayenne to keep the rabbits out of the herb garden. Maybe with the deer we'd have to hang it in bags on a fence or trees at the height of their heads. If it didn't repel them, it would surely make them sneeze!

My nose is running and my eyes are watering and all I did was read the recipe. I've graduated to some heat in recipes but this is in the PhD category.

loved your doggie story. I will remember that little trick! Great post about the pepper, thanks!

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