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Chili powder (Recipe: turkey tacos)


This post has been updated. Please visit the new post at Chili powder (Recipe: turkey tacos) for new photos and links, and tweaks to the recipe.

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Oh yes! I love that sinus dripping hot too!! You know what got me into it? Sushi and wasabi. I could take the entire plop of wasabi they give you at a sushi restaurant, mix it into a little drip of soy sauce, dip my sushi piece into it and be all kinds of happy.

Thanks for the recipe! I can't wait to try it out.

Hey Lydia, this is so cool about typepad.com. I am so looking forward to dining with a celebrity next weekend. Way to go girl!

Peggy, welcome to The Perfect Pantry. Looking forward to dining with you, too!

Nicole, that nose-dripping heat is completely addictive, isn't it? I love it.

oh lydia. i love those bottles. i love yr sites. you are amazing. i found something i am sending to you. watch for design sauce. right up yr alley.

Elsa, welcome to The Perfect Pantry. I wish I had your ability to make beautiful photographs!

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